For instance, you could type XXX just before inserting the endnote. You could also put some sort of marker in your document just before inserting the endnote, and then use the marker to jump back to that location. This takes you back to page 16, although it is unlikely that this will coincide, exactly, with where the endnote was inserted. If you were on, for instance, page 16, you can press F5 to display the GoTo tab of the Find and Replace dialog box, type 16, and then press Enter. Still another approach is helpful if you remember the page number you were on when you inserted the endnote.

Since you cannot insert a footnote within an endnote, the result is that you jump back to the main document. This key sequence essentially displays the View menu and then chooses the Footnote command from that menu.

It is interesting that pressing Alt+V and then F also jumps back to the beginning of the endnote mark. (You can also double-click on the endnote mark and Word transports you to the appropriate endnote.) The problem with this approach is that it positions the insertion point before the endnote mark, so you can't just start typing away you may still need to move the insertion point to where you want to make your next edit. That action returns you to the endnote mark within the main document. This immediately returns you to your last editing location in the main document, which happens to be where you inserted the endnote.Īnother option is to simply double-click on the endnote reference, at the beginning of the endnote. First, if you want to return to the document immediately after typing the endnote text, just press Shift+F5. There are a number of approaches you can use to this issue. Daniel wonders if there is a shortcut key he can then use to return to where he was in the main document before he clicked on the tool to add the endnote. When he clicks on the tool to add the endnote, he's taken to the end of the document and he can type his endnote. Daniel has a document in which he ended up creating a lot of endnotes.